
MG4 Plus
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The MG4+ is a software emulation of a legendary Series 500 EQ module that’s heard on hundreds of top-charting records. The hardware original is particularly famous for the SKY BAND, which is able to add the kind of expensive-sounding gloss and sheen typically heard on singles with top production teams and equipment behind them. Powered by Synergy Core processing, our recreation builds on the SKY BAND by adding more options for adjustment so you can flesh out the highs of your vocals. Added is the SKY GAIN function which will give you much-needed flexibility when working your signal chain. Monitor directly with imperceptible latency so you can listen to the processed sound before you press record.

But that’s hardly all this 6-band EQ has to offer. It’s also notable for its highly linear phase operation, a difficult endeavor in the analog realm, which endows the MG4+ with the ability to preserve the audio being put through it without any phase-shifting artifacts. Purity and clarity is the name of the game when it comes to this EQ.

*The MG4+ software product is not affiliated with nor has been sponsored or endorsed by any company.


On/Bypass button

Sub frequency boost/cut knob

40Hz boost/cut knob

160Hz boost/cut knob

650Hz boost/cut knob

2.5kHz boost/cut knob

Sky band frequency select knob

Sky band gain control knob